David: Antics = my life

Friday, October 11, 2002

The poem written below is so sappy, I laughed when I read it today. Haha!

Random thoughts lately:
1. When watching mice in our experimental animal facility, I've noticed that all they ever do is... (a) eat, (b) copulate, (c) fight. Which, to me, represents the animalistic side of life... or the Lockean state of nature. For mice, it's just that simple. I'm glad that for us, there's more to this life than living and dying, more than just trying to make it though the day (SC Chapman).

2. Male mice force female mice to copulate, and females always run away at first. Why isn't it the other way around, like, females going after the males? And why don't they both go after each other? Does it physically hurt the females or what? Hmmm?

3. The pre-believers in my lab exhibit some similar traits: (a) they swear a lot, (b) they're not truly/madly/deeply loving to one another, (c) and they lie casually. Part (c) is what completely throws me off because I assume people are always telling me the truth, but they lie about the darndest stuff.

4. I have this feeling that God is going to do something amazing at my company. He's placed faithful believers in key areas of the Institute. We have a believers in maintenance, finance, and dispersed throughout the labs. Sweet!

5. Even though I need to use mice for my experiments, I never want to lose compassion for them. It's easy to do that in this job, and numbing oneself to their pain makes the job easier. But, I don't want to harden my heart to them ever. I will definitely do my job well, but I always want to hurt when they hurt.


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