David: Antics = my life

Monday, October 07, 2002

The Echo...
The concept that our prayers are an echo of God's desire. This was tough for me to grasp last night as Samantha went on her monologue describing the Echo. This applied to our "shady" prayer requests such as requests that we feel to be selfish. But perhaps our prayers are God's desires that He is leading us to ask, which is completely in line with His plans and will.

The example last night was praying for someone else's girlfriend/boyfriend, which I'm 100% against doing. But the idea was that maybe God wants us to ask for things we truly desire, so that He can guide our path and will through the process of seeking. Even if what we desire is shady, such as someone else's girlfriend. That in the end He will work through our prayers so that His plans are done. Hmmm. I'm still thinking about this one. But the echo concept sounds amazing.

So I immediately asked Daniel to back it up scripturally, so he referred to Hannah and Samuel's story where she offered to give God her son if God would give her a son. God did. She did. Samuel, one of the greatest prophets was born. God wanted her to ask Him for something that seemed selfish so that His will would be done. Amazing...

~David An


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