David: Antics = my life

Monday, October 07, 2002

Talk is cheap...
Two weeks ago I was convicted that talk was cheap. I had watched a video evangelist speak so eloquently to a group of stoic old people. He said so many intellectually deep and challenging things, it was hard to take notes of the concepts... which made me realize that it became worthless. Okay, so worthless is an extreme word to use. Let's say it became cheapened.

The contrast is my experience in a charismatic church called Shiloh, where a former drug dealer turned pastor spoke about seeking the Lord in the most basic and pure way. I still remember this sermon from 3 months ago over the video intellectual from 3 weeks ago. He spoke the word of truth through our circumstances that was so real to us we could taste it. It was so meaningful, and we were moved to love others as we grew more and more sensitive to the Holy Spirit that night.

So, I conclude that talk is cheap. Or, more-so, intellectual jargon and mere concepts. To love others deeply and to seek the Lord unswervingly stems from a passion that moves beyond mere words. As I heard those intellectual words echo through the silent room that day, I realized that God was moving in a different and real was in our hearts. So I'm going to quit talking, and start loving and seeking wholeheartedly. Talk is cheap.


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