David: Antics = my life

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

End of an Era

I have officially ended my flirtation with the world. The world has nothing for me. My place is with the family of brother and sisters in fellowship.

Unfortunately, I'm the kind of kid that had to touch to stove to know that it's hot. The past year or so has been a good experience, but now I know what I want... and I want more peace and time with the Lord. I'm tired of the late night life and superficiality.



I'm working so hard on my Fulbright scholarship to Taiwan. My current topic is the imbalance between domestic and foreign policy. My thought is that the domestic institutions that keep the leaders in power contrast with the well-being of the US-China-Taiwan relations. President Chen tries to appeal to the popular vote. I propose that appeasing domestic interests directly goes against maintaining international policy well-being. Therefore I propose an increase in the authority of the Foreign Minister.

Unfortunately, it's sounding more like a case study than cutting edge political science. So I think I'm going to revise to look at particularistic (narrow) vs programmatic (broad based) policy based on the Taiwanese electoral system.

What's funny is that I feel like I'm writing this proposal and putting all this work into it just to give it up. It's something that I can walk away from if He desires. Somehow, I feel like I will gladly give up this Fulbright for something more important in life. How cryptic.


  • flirting with the world can be dangerous... so yay for ending it! AND, to share about it publicly.. so your readers can help to keep you accountable or something too :)

    By Blogger Unknown, at September 2, 2004 at 4:15 AM  

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