David: Antics = my life

Friday, February 25, 2005

Spiritual crisis that lasted three hours

I had one of those spiritual crises that questioned Biblical history and authenticity today. I overheard the philosophy TAs bashing Christianity and creationism, as usual, but one thing stuck in my head. The beginning of Matthew traces Jesus' direct lineage from Adam, but there is only a few dozen names. How can that account for the entire time that man has walked on Earth? Are the scriptures just a myth that can't be backed up scientifically? Surely the billions of years involved in evolution could better account for human history than the short timeframe of God's creation account and Jesus' relatively short lineage.

I've grown up reading the scriptures with a critical eye, like the Bereans Paul described. I don't just blindly believe what I read. I've wrestled through countless issues.

I walked away toward Geisel library this afternoon after a day of TAing, and I had a lot of essays to write and grade. But I felt God tell me to chill on a park bench in Price Center and wait on Him. So I sat for a while, bowed my head and told Him about my spiritual crisis.

Suddenly I realized that I'd been through this crisis before, maybe 4 years ago. My mind flooded with thoughts as if scales fell off of the my mind's eye. I felt like He was saying, "If I'm God, and if I created everything, couldn't I do it in 7 days if I wanted? If I created everything in 7 days, couldn't I create everything to have preset age? Remember Genesis, did I create Adam as an infant? No. Did I create Eve as an infant? No. Couldn't I create the Earth to give off an older carbon date if I wanted? Yes."

I felt like Job at the end of his book when God showed him who's boss. Job ignorantly questioned God toward the end, but the last chapter is filled with God showing Job how powerful He really is. Ironic to this discussion, he shows Job his power by asking him, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth?" A question about creation.

So I sat on the bench humbled and refreshed from not rushing head first into hours of studying, but spent that time with Him. I had foolishly looked at God through the eyes of my worldly philosophy friends. They put a million constraints on God purely based on their own limited understanding. God is not restricted to our time and space. Who's to say he couldn't create an old Earth? It's really not that hard to imagine for those who see God as he really is, in all his power and abilities. It is very hard to imagine for those who don't see Him, but it doesn't mean He's not there.


  • today's society and science have really confused even christians when it comes to what's fact and fiction. there is so much overwhelming evidence supporting biblical timelines and other non-evolutionary-based theories. this world is NOT billions of years old. the dust of the moon proves it. and carbon dating is not accurate to even millions of years, let alone billions. i've read 50,000 max, theorically 75,000 years max (of course increasing with statistical error) and in some places i've read only accurate to 30,000 years.

    there's too much to write here, but dont believe what they have to tell you.

    By Blogger Danny, at February 28, 2005 at 10:26 AM  

  • hey davy crotch-it! post post post! we miss you, baby!

    By Blogger Danny, at March 5, 2005 at 9:37 PM  

  • oh forgot. come to our church website! all our friends are there!


    By Blogger Danny, at March 5, 2005 at 9:38 PM  

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